TURNING A PASSION INTO A BUSINESS MANY SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS CAN FEEL VERY ALONE IN THEIR WORK especially when it is an area of the business with which they may be unfamiliar. It is important that these business owners know that the problems and challenges they will...
Michael Spragg – Laser Plumbing Case Study
In 2013, Queensland resident Michael Spragg was already an established business owner, when he was invited to join Laser Plumbing and Electrical, a premier electrical and plumbing contracting network across Australia and New Zealand. Spragg's firm S.O.S....
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Why KPIs Are Important
Are you tracking Key Performance Indicators for your business? Why are Key Performance Indicators important? How can Key Performance Indicators grow my business? There are no standard Key Performance Indicators to measure company performance. By...
When Is It Time To Fire An Employee
Terminating an employee is never fun. Even for the most polished and seasoned business owner, the process of letting someone go is almost universally stressful, unpleasant and emotionally challenging. Nobody wants to be the bearer of bad news or the person that...
Involve Employees In Setting Goals And Reap The Rewards
In many companies, managers and other leaders assign goals to employees, then sit back and wait for results. This passive approach sometimes ends up with missed deadlines, incomplete work on projects, and a generalised disappointment in the employee’s lack of...
Tips For Setting Effective KPIs
There are many principles for running a strong, thriving business. Key among these guidelines is this: What can be measured should be measured. The data compiled for key business metrics can, as we have said before, “say a lot about what you’re doing...
Workplace Collaboration: A Secret To Success
Collaboration. It seems like such an easy concept to grasp and embrace, particularly as it pertains to the teamwork required to run and grow a successful company. But then why do so many so many business owners, leadership teams and organisations struggle to foster a...
Getting Employees To Think Like A CEO
Employee development is generally aimed at improving a person’s skill at their job or expanding their range of responsibilities. Sometimes, the most promising employees are groomed for future leadership roles. But a case can be made that, in order to advance the...
How To Boost Participation In Employee Surveys
Getting honest input from employees on workplace culture and conditions can be a valuable practice. But time and again, companies sending out employee surveys are frustrated by a mediocre response rate—and stymied as to what actions they should take on their...
How To Engage Employees Across Generations
The multi-generational workforce has truly arrived, with four generations potentially working side by side in a variety of sectors and industries. Workers over age 55 are set to become 25 percent of the workforce by 2024, which is a large jump from 12 percent in...
Employee Onboarding Tips That Help Boost Retention
The effective onboarding of new employees is clearly a benefit to businesses, but some companies persist in “winging it” whenever a new hire joins the team. As we have noted before, businesses that lack a proper onboarding system in place “fail to understand the link...
Wonderful Ways To Boost Employee Morale
Employee morale has a massive impact on the overall success of your business. When employees are happy, engaged and thriving they are more productive, less likely to call in sick and much less apt to quit their jobs. According to a recent Gallup poll, “highly...
Creative Engagement Strategies Can Lead To Stonger Retention
Why do some employees stay with your company and others leave? There are several possible reasons, including financial considerations and the physical location of your workplace. But above all else, employee retention is most successful when employees...
Key Negotiating Tactics Your Sales Team Should Have
Businesses with expert sales teams sometimes find themselves on a mystifying string of bad luck. Their sales professionals identify and qualify promising leads, even have a series of discussions with these prospects—only to end up with nothing to show for it. One...
6 Sales Tips On Getting To “YES”
Getting to “Yes” is every salesperson’s ultimate goal. But so many variables are involved that the process can be cumbersome and aggravating—with no guarantee that the goal will actually be reached. If your sales team is experiencing difficulties achieving this...
Michael & Paul Sciberras – Sci-Blue
Rachael & Matt Bolger-MB Automotive
How To Tackle Skills Gaps In The Workplace
Finding the right candidates for your open positions is hard enough, given current labour conditions. The challenge becomes more pressing when you hire a talented individual, only to find out they lack some mission-critical skills needed for continued productivity....
How Employee Learning and Development Can Boost Retention
The ideal employee is an individual who works hard, acts on their own initiative, seeks to be a high-quality team player, and wishes to grow in their career. If you have employees who fit this description, it’s a good bet they would welcome new opportunities to learn...
Create a Culture of Health and Wellness in Your Business
Today’s employees have elevated expectations of their workplace environments. Long gone are the days of mindlessly clocking in and out from an unsatisfying, sterile and disengaging job. Employees want more. They want to feel valued. They want to be rewarded for a job...
How Leaders Can Boost Employee Engagement And Productivity
These days, business leaders are more focused than ever on finding ways to promote employee engagement and productivity. Although circumstances differ from one business to another, certain key principles apply in most cases. An effective starting point is looking...
Tips On Achieving The Elusive Work-Life Balance
Among CEOs and business leaders, the search for the best work-life balance has been going on for years. Only recently has the crucial importance of this balance become crystal-clear for everyone. Without a proper balance, business leaders face exhaustion, burn-out,...
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