Matt Bate – Berkana Projects

Matt Bate – Berkana Projects

I just wanted to thank Crystal so much for the time we spent together. I am so blessed to have met her and to have her support in my life then as it was one of the most challenging periods of my life. Being a first time dad and bills and partner to support. I was...

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Effective Leadership Tips to Systematise Your Business

Effective Leadership Tips to Systematise Your Business

At some point, every business must impose a systematic structure on its operations or risk losing untold amounts of time and money on inefficiency and lapses in productivity. Having systems in place not only guards against these negative factors, it helps businesses...

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How To Foster a Culture of Continuous Learning

How To Foster a Culture of Continuous Learning

Talent acquisition and retention can be difficult for many businesses, even in the best of times. No doubt, these post-pandemic years have exacerbated HR challenges due to all kinds of fluctuations in the labour market and business landscape. Gone are the days, at...

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What Is Talent Optimisation

What Is Talent Optimisation

Think how much easier hiring new employees would be if the process was an exact science. Well, in some respects, it already is. According to The Predictive Index, “Talent optimisation” is “a four-part discipline that details what’s required for aligning...

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What Can Predictive Analytics Do for Your Business?

What Can Predictive Analytics Do for Your Business?

Every business (yours included) generates a lot of data. Every customer interaction, sale, and follow-up report produce information of great potential use to the organisation. The key is harnessing all that data and using it to your company’s advantage. This process...

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Leverage AI to Grow Your Business

Leverage AI to Grow Your Business

These days, nothing seems more topical than AI (Artificial Intelligence). With the much-ballyhooed advent of ChatGTP, business owners and CEOs are examining new ways in which AI can help increase efficiency, streamline operations, and grow their businesses. What...

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Ay Yi Yi: The Fascinating World of AI

Ay Yi Yi: The Fascinating World of AI

Artificial intelligence. What once felt wildly futuristic has suddenly become mainstream and is growing more ubiquitous by the minute. You are likely already interacting with AI, even if you are not completely aware of it. When your text message autocorrects itself or...

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19 Reasons You Need A Business Owner Advisory Board

19 Reasons You Need A Business Owner Advisory Board

No matter how successful you already are, owning a business is challenging. To run a successful company, business owners and entrepreneurs have to deal with a wide range of challenges, and it can get lonely. Family, friends, and colleagues aren’t the best sounding...

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Rose Febo – Travel Managers

Rose Febo – Travel Managers

"Before joining The Alternative Board, my main challenge was building the business brand and market niches as well as then pinpointing how to get more leads. I also needed help building my business strategy and getting to understand my strengths, weakness,...

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Watch Out For Blind Spots In Sales

Watch Out For Blind Spots In Sales

Let’s assume your company employs one or more salespeople who are responsible for generating leads and closing deals. As talented as these sales professionals might be, some “blind spots” in sales always seem to crop up. It’s up to you and your team to beware of...

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7 Things Even Your Best Employees Hate

7 Things Even Your Best Employees Hate

The employment market has been brutal for most companies and industries at large. While job seekers are certainly also experiencing employment volatility, it still appears that in many ways the workforce is still holding the best hand in the high-stakes game of...

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5 Tips for Building A Long-Term Sales Strategy

5 Tips for Building A Long-Term Sales Strategy

Any hard-working salesperson can tell you closing a sale is their ultimate goal. Short-term sale strategies emphasise the value of a clean, efficient transaction with a customer, particularly those that come to a successful (and profitable) conclusion. But since...

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Simple Sales Tactics To Overcome Prospect Reluctance

Simple Sales Tactics To Overcome Prospect Reluctance

Sometimes even the most slam-dunk deals hit a roadblock, leaving the salesperson or business owner grappling with just how to move the transaction to a successful close. A deal that seems lost in purgatory can be hard on even the most seasoned sales professionals. The...

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