What Does the Future of Remote Work Look Like?

What Does the Future of Remote Work Look Like?

Clearly, remote work is here to stay. But what does the future of remote work look like? A different approach to recruitment While hiring remote workers is often similar to traditional recruitment methods, a different approach may be more effective for some employers....

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How to Cultivate a “Goal-Focused” CEO Mindset

How to Cultivate a “Goal-Focused” CEO Mindset

The new year is the best time to re-think the past year’s professional and personal goals and start cultivating new goals for the weeks and months ahead. Of necessity, this means tearing yourself away from day-to-day operations and thinking more in terms of long-range...

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Top 3 Strategic Musts for the Coming Year

Top 3 Strategic Musts for the Coming Year

The first quarter of the year always seems to have business owners dreaming a little bigger, reaching a little higher, and planning innovative ways to improve their organisations in the ensuing months. And well they should, as the key to business success is constant...

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5 “Must-Have” Elements of a Strategic Plan

5 “Must-Have” Elements of a Strategic Plan

Deciding to “stay in place” is not a viable option for most businesses. Marketplace conditions are always in flux, and customer needs and preferences frequently change over time, so business leaders need to engage in effective and realistic strategic planning. While a...

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Tips on Future-Proofing Your Business

Tips on Future-Proofing Your Business

No one can say with certainty what the future of business holds—except that change remains a constant. And because marketplace conditions are always in flux, it’s vital that business leaders keep a close eye on future trends and predictions. Being prepared...

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5 Ways to Build a Green Workplace

5 Ways to Build a Green Workplace

It’s one thing to say you want to lead a “green” business. Making sure your workplace adheres to eco-friendly standards to achieve that goal can be another thing entirely.   Savvy CEOs and business owners have long recognised the inherent value in adapting...

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How To Be A Better, Stronger Leader

How To Be A Better, Stronger Leader

Leaders with a forceful vision and presence are in great demand these days. With the global marketplace in a state of continuing flux, businesses need talented individuals who understand the power (and occasional pitfalls) of leadership. Are you satisfied with the...

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How To Amp Up Your Next Business Presentation

How To Amp Up Your Next Business Presentation

PowerPoint is a key communication tool for businesses today. The presentation platform is a versatile tool that allows users to create slide decks and readily share information in a cohesive, packaged way. It is estimated that there are more than 500 million global...

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Leverage Internal Communications To Boost Retention

Leverage Internal Communications To Boost Retention

What are the most effective ways to retain valued employees? Experts point to workplace culture, the quality of pay and benefits, and/or opportunities for advancement within the organisation.  All these are compelling elements, but what may be missing—and is...

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5 Ways To Lead Your Business Better

5 Ways To Lead Your Business Better

One of the most important and effective drivers of business leadership success is intentionality. For a business owner, intentionality refers to having a clear purpose, a well-defined plan, and a comprehensive infrastructure in place for not just running the...

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How To Overcome Common Business Communication Barriers

How To Overcome Common Business Communication Barriers

How culture affects business communication. How well do you communicate with your executive team and with employees in your company? If the honest answer is, “Just OK,” there may be some communications barriers causing a disconnect between your messages and the ways...

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Five Tips for Improving Your Customer Communications

Five Tips for Improving Your Customer Communications

When it comes to operating a successful business, nothing’s more important than communicating effectively with your customers. Adopting the wrong tone in your marketing or sales messages, neglecting to reach out in formats where customers generally “live” and failing...

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5 Tips for Optimising Your Search for Talent

5 Tips for Optimising Your Search for Talent

In the feverish hunt for qualified job applicants, businesses sometimes rush through the hiring process and miss out on some promising candidates. By optimising your recruitment practices, you can significantly enhance the efforts of your team to do everything...

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What are the 4 Most Common Leadership Styles?

What are the 4 Most Common Leadership Styles?

Depending on who you ask, there may be as many leadership styles as there are leaders in business, government, the entertainment industry, and so on. However, certain leadership traits are encountered most frequently in the workplace, and most CEOs, owners, and...

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Not Your Father’s Business Leadership

Not Your Father’s Business Leadership

Today’s business leaders bear little resemblance to the top brass of yesteryear. Business leadership has evolved significantly over the last 50 years, driven in large part by changes in technology and societal values. Business owners, who in the 1970s were mostly...

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Humanising Your Online Presence

Humanising Your Online Presence

It is a bit of a paradox. Businesses - that are run by humans, employ humans, and sell to humans - often struggle to present their brands in a humanised way online. Perhaps it is these business's attempts to be universally accepted. Or their misguided desire to sound...

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Matt Bate – Berkana Projects

Matt Bate – Berkana Projects

I just wanted to thank Crystal so much for the time we spent together. I am so blessed to have met her and to have her support in my life then as it was one of the most challenging periods of my life. Being a first time dad and bills and partner to support. I was...

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Effective Leadership Tips to Systematise Your Business

Effective Leadership Tips to Systematise Your Business

At some point, every business must impose a systematic structure on its operations or risk losing untold amounts of time and money on inefficiency and lapses in productivity. Having systems in place not only guards against these negative factors, it helps businesses...

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How To Foster a Culture of Continuous Learning

How To Foster a Culture of Continuous Learning

Talent acquisition and retention can be difficult for many businesses, even in the best of times. No doubt, these post-pandemic years have exacerbated HR challenges due to all kinds of fluctuations in the labour market and business landscape. Gone are the days, at...

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