Why KPIs Are Important

Why KPIs Are Important

Are you tracking Key Performance Indicators for your business? Why are Key Performance Indicators important? How can Key Performance Indicators grow my business? There are no standard Key Performance Indicators to measure company performance. By...
When Is It Time To Fire An Employee

When Is It Time To Fire An Employee

Terminating an employee is never fun. Even for the most polished and seasoned business owner, the process of letting someone go is almost universally stressful, unpleasant and emotionally challenging. Nobody wants to be the bearer of bad news or the person that...
Involve Employees In Setting Goals And Reap The Rewards

Involve Employees In Setting Goals And Reap The Rewards

In many companies, managers and other leaders assign goals to employees, then sit back and wait for results. This passive approach sometimes ends up with missed deadlines, incomplete work on projects, and a generalised disappointment in the employee’s lack of...
Tips For Setting Effective KPIs

Tips For Setting Effective KPIs

There are many principles for running a strong, thriving business. Key among these guidelines is this: What can be measured should be measured. The data compiled for key business metrics can, as we have said before, “say a lot about what you’re doing...
Workplace Collaboration: A Secret To Success

Workplace Collaboration: A Secret To Success

Collaboration. It seems like such an easy concept to grasp and embrace, particularly as it pertains to the teamwork required to run and grow a successful company. But then why do so many so many business owners, leadership teams and organisations struggle to foster a...
Getting Employees To Think Like A CEO

Getting Employees To Think Like A CEO

Employee development is generally aimed at improving a person’s skill at their job or expanding their range of responsibilities. Sometimes, the most promising employees are groomed for future leadership roles. But a case can be made that, in order to advance the...
How To Boost Participation In Employee Surveys

How To Boost Participation In Employee Surveys

Getting honest input from employees on workplace culture and conditions can be a valuable practice. But time and again, companies sending out employee surveys are frustrated by a mediocre response rate—and stymied as to what actions they should take on their...
How To Engage Employees Across Generations

How To Engage Employees Across Generations

The multi-generational workforce has truly arrived, with four generations potentially working side by side in a variety of sectors and industries. Workers over age 55 are set to become 25 percent of the workforce by 2024, which is a large jump from 12 percent in...
Employee Onboarding Tips That Help Boost Retention

Employee Onboarding Tips That Help Boost Retention

The effective onboarding of new employees is clearly a benefit to businesses, but some companies persist in “winging it” whenever a new hire joins the team. As we have noted before, businesses that lack a proper onboarding system in place “fail to understand the link...
Wonderful Ways To Boost Employee Morale

Wonderful Ways To Boost Employee Morale

Employee morale has a massive impact on the overall success of your business. When employees are happy, engaged and thriving they are more productive, less likely to call in sick and much less apt to quit their jobs. According to a recent Gallup poll, “highly...
Creative Engagement Strategies Can Lead To Stonger Retention

Creative Engagement Strategies Can Lead To Stonger Retention

Why do some employees stay with your company and others leave? There are several possible reasons, including financial considerations and the physical location of your workplace. But above all else, employee retention is most successful when employees...
Key Negotiating Tactics Your Sales Team Should Have

Key Negotiating Tactics Your Sales Team Should Have

Businesses with expert sales teams sometimes find themselves on a mystifying string of bad luck. Their sales professionals identify and qualify promising leads, even have a series of discussions with these prospects—only to end up with nothing to show for it. One...
6 Sales Tips On Getting To “YES”

6 Sales Tips On Getting To “YES”

Getting to “Yes” is every salesperson’s ultimate goal. But so many variables are involved that the process can be cumbersome and aggravating—with no guarantee that the goal will actually be reached. If your sales team is experiencing difficulties achieving this...
Valerie O’Neill – Ask Valerie

Valerie O’Neill – Ask Valerie

“Since meeting Willem and starting with the TAB process I am considerably more confident and focussed.I have added business processes that allow me to know where I am in terms of my workflows and what is still to be done.I now have a new development which I have...
Paul Jackson – Park Ridge News

Paul Jackson – Park Ridge News

“I’ve appreciated Willem’s interest and insight in growing my business. Our regular coaching sessions help me think through the issues that I’m facing and bring challenges into perspective while exploring solutions. The board meetings are a great time to connect with...
Guy Wallace – Extreme Horticulture

Guy Wallace – Extreme Horticulture

“TAB has helped me gain control of my business, enabling me to work more on the business and start to forward plan. When I started with TAB, my business had virtually no structure at all. I had gone from being a sole trader to having five full time staff members in a...
Mark Markov – Myrrha Pty Ltd

Mark Markov – Myrrha Pty Ltd

“During our extremely early stages, when we were nothing but an idea, TAB reached out to us through LinkedIn. And they were one of the first to express belief and passion for what we’re trying to do. I don’t think we would be where we are now because one of the things...
Dean You Lee – Laser Warriors

Dean You Lee – Laser Warriors

“I’ve always had mentors and coaches, and you bounce ideas off those people. I think the difference with The Alternative Board  is that I’m not just bouncing ideas off coaches, but also other business owners,  so the conversation is very different.  Other business...
Grant Colburt – Pioneer Poultry

Grant Colburt – Pioneer Poultry

“It’s nice to have a support base, that is going through the same thing and probably has some strength in areas that you don’t. Every single meeting has been valuable, and every meeting has been different. Different topics to discuss with different business owners. ...
Kay Godfrey – First Class Accounts

Kay Godfrey – First Class Accounts

“I met Crystal Petzer, who is part of The Alternative Board, when I first started my business, and I went to a TAB board meeting, and I was very impressed. I do think it’s an excellent way of helping small to medium sized business owners. TAB has helped me work out...
Neil Gibbins – Hire a Hubby

Neil Gibbins – Hire a Hubby

“Crystal is passionate about being successful in business. She has a wealth of experience that she has applied to her own award winning business ventures. Using the proven approach of The Alternative Board, Crystal is now helping others to achieve their business...