How To Make Sales As An Owner – Wearing The ‘Selling Hat’

How To Make Sales As An Owner – Wearing The ‘Selling Hat’

If you are like most business owners of small or mid-sized businesses, there are times you must put on your Selling Hat. When you put on that Selling Hat, your mindset needs to change to one of “What do I need to do to persuade the person to whom I am trying to sell?”...
How To Thank Customers For Supporting Your Business

How To Thank Customers For Supporting Your Business

These days, after what seems an eternity of business restrictions due to Covid-19, companies are rightfully grateful for returning customers, and new prospects willing to give their business a chance. After all, every CEO and business owner understands that, without a...
3 Steps To Winning Back Lost Customers

3 Steps To Winning Back Lost Customers

Customer loyalty took quite a beating over the last couple of years. Throughout the course of the pandemic, businesses and their customers were often forced into an awkward dance of hurry-up-and-wait. And wait. And wait. Lockdowns, supply chain issues, and employee...
5 Ways To Invigorate Your Business

5 Ways To Invigorate Your Business

Opportunity awaits small business owners in 2022, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is going to be easy. The beginning of the year has already proven to be a bit of a mishmash of positives and negatives for business owners. On a great note, the grip of the pandemic...
Great Tips On How To Lead During A Crisis

Great Tips On How To Lead During A Crisis

Working with a remote workforce requires different management and leadership. Whether it’s during the current Coronavirus pandemic, the floods battering the east coast, or the war further afield, many members of your team will be experiencing mixed emotions from...
5 Ways To Make Your Business Partner Feel Valued

5 Ways To Make Your Business Partner Feel Valued

Savvy business owners and CEOs understand that no enterprise can last very long without contributions from a business partner. In this sense, “partner” can encompass everything from third-party vendors to an alliance with a complementary business. What’s key in all...
Make 2022 Your Year Of Effective Leadership And Innovation

Make 2022 Your Year Of Effective Leadership And Innovation

As we’ve celebrated the new year, many business owners and leaders remain steadfast and resilient throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. For companies that want to thrive in 2022, it will take no less than exceptional leadership and innovation moving forward. But...
Making Your Business Incredibly Attractive To Jobseekers

Making Your Business Incredibly Attractive To Jobseekers

Looking to round out your staff and maybe even expand a few areas of your business by adding new talent this year? Well, good luck with that. As we continue to move into 2022, factors like the Great Resignation, increasing hourly and salary requirements, and a myriad...
Tips For Setting Effective KPIs

Tips For Setting Effective KPIs

There are many principles for running a strong, thriving business. Key among these guidelines is this: What can be measured should be measured. The data compiled for key business metrics can, as we have said before, “say a lot about what you’re doing right and where...
5 Ways To Boost Cash Flow In 2022

5 Ways To Boost Cash Flow In 2022

We’ve said it time and again—the state of a company’s cash flow is among the most significant metrics that every CEO or business owner should track. That’s because cash flow “is a key indicator of the financial health of your business,” as Wells Fargo notes. “A...
Financial Reports Every Business Needs

Financial Reports Every Business Needs

For the smooth running of a small business, no paperwork may be more essential than financial reports. These documents inform business owners and CEOs about the success or lack of success in past business activities, while also painting a fairly reliable picture of...
5 Tips To Help You Make The Most Of Your Time

5 Tips To Help You Make The Most Of Your Time

Time management is an issue for all of us, but business owners often seem to suffer the most. As individuals wearing multiple hats in their business, they’re usually trying to juggle between the many roles they’ve taken up and find themselves never having time to fit...
5 Cost-Cutting Tips For 2022

5 Cost-Cutting Tips For 2022

In 2022, businesses will continue to adapt to changing conditions in the global marketplace. But as much as things change, certain operational fundamentals remain the same. Key among those fundamentals is the need to cut expenses wherever possible without compromising...
Readying for 2022: Things To Consider Ahead Of The New Year

Readying for 2022: Things To Consider Ahead Of The New Year

As 2021 comes to a close, it’s important to reflect on the year that has been, as well as look ahead and ready for whatever comes your way. As a business owner, it’s essential to take stock, of your company and feel ready for whatever the year throws at...
How To Ensure Your Website Is Optimised For Lead Generation

How To Ensure Your Website Is Optimised For Lead Generation

Your website is most likely the most important online (and possibly offline, too) real estate your company owns. Websites not only provide information and validation for your products and services, but are also an effective branding and lead generation engine when...
How To Write A Good Business Plan

How To Write A Good Business Plan

Business plans are among the key documents deemed necessary in the early stages of a company or startup’s growth. However, the elements that go into crafting a strong business plan are worthy of a CEO or business owner’s consideration at any time in the growth...
7 Funding Tips For Entrepreneurs And Small Businesses

7 Funding Tips For Entrepreneurs And Small Businesses

7 Funding Tips For Entrepreneurs & Small Businesses The Alternative Board surveyed hundreds of business owners to learn more about how they funded their business and what they learned from their funding experiences. According to the results, the large majority of...
Increase Online Traffic By Improving Your Website’s Design

Increase Online Traffic By Improving Your Website’s Design

You need a website if you’re selling products and services online. This is an excellent marketing tool that can be used to attract potential leads and customers. However, what if you’re not attracting enough online traffic? How can people know you have what they need?...
Is Your Workplace Prepared For Employees To Return?

Is Your Workplace Prepared For Employees To Return?

Over the last few months, many business owners have been planning for the much-anticipated return of their employees to the physical workplace. I’ve spoken with many of them who are optimistic yet cautious for this transition, and for good reason. In order to ensure a...