3 High-Level Communication Tips for CEOs and Business Owners

3 High-Level Communication Tips for CEOs and Business Owners

CEOs and business owners must possess a wide range of talents to lead their organisations. Being able to communicate clearly and across a spectrum of audiences might be one of the most important to cultivate. Unfortunately, in the hectic rush of daily operations and...
Seven Tips for Boosting Teamwork Effectiveness & Productivity

Seven Tips for Boosting Teamwork Effectiveness & Productivity

In today’s competitive marketplace, the benefits of individual achievement—while always important—pale in comparison to what can be achieved through high-performing teamwork. If you’ve put in the time, strategy, and effort to hire the right people for your positions,...
Change Your Culture to Boost Retention Within your Workplace

Change Your Culture to Boost Retention Within your Workplace

These days, employees leave one job and take another for a host of reasons. One reason that should never come up is a company’s toxic culture. In the hunt for talent, businesses can’t afford to lose valued workers because the work environment is dysfunctional,...
How to Treat Your Recruiting Process Like a Sales Process

How to Treat Your Recruiting Process Like a Sales Process

In the fevered competition to recruit and hire “A-player” job candidates, many recruiters and HR departments are turning to a different model to get the job done. Imposing the structure of a sales process offers a new way to look at recruitment in general, and how to...
Recruiting Employees When People Are Scarce

Recruiting Employees When People Are Scarce

Sometimes it feels like small business owners are fighting an uphill battle in the proverbial “War for Talent.” This webinar focuses on outside-the-box ideas for uncovering hidden sources of talent, flipping the traditional candidate pursuit conversation, and...
How To Protect Your Business From Cyber Attacks

How To Protect Your Business From Cyber Attacks

15 Things You Can Do to Reduce Your Risk In 2017, The Alternative Board surveyed hundreds of business owners about their cybersecurity experiences and fears, as well as their plans for keeping their companies safe. According to the results, over half of the business...
Communications Strategies for Unprecedented Times

Communications Strategies for Unprecedented Times

Communicating in a crisis can be challenging. When the crisis goes on for weeks, changes several times a day and is truly unprecedented, the situation requires new thinking based on best-practises — and a lot of flexibility. Doyle Albee, president and CEO of...
How to Measure the Success of Your Team

How to Measure the Success of Your Team

Having an engaged and high-performing team should be a top priority for every small business. A talented individual is always a big asset, but when you put several such individuals, there’s no limit to what the team can achieve. But it’s not enough to sit back and let...
Ideas to Create An Engaged Workforce & Efficient Team

Ideas to Create An Engaged Workforce & Efficient Team

I’ve been reading up on employee engagement and have come across some scary statistics about disengagement and lack of passion in the ranks. Here are a few ideas to help get your employees engaged: Give them side projects to do that are of interest to them and have...
How to Lead and Inspire Older Employees: the Generational Gap

How to Lead and Inspire Older Employees: the Generational Gap

It wasn’t always the case, but these days many business owners and CEOs are younger than the workforce they lead and manage. A “one-size-fits-all” leadership style is therefore likely to result in a troubled workplace environment, since it fails to consider key...
Leadership versus Management: What’s the difference?

Leadership versus Management: What’s the difference?

In recent years there’s been an ongoing debate in business circles regarding Leadership vs. Management. While the concept of visionary leadership has been trending positively, the once noble role of management has become somewhat maligned. But before you throw out...
4 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Business Productivity

4 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Business Productivity

The Alternative Board conducted a productivity survey of hundreds of entrepreneurs to discover how business owners are really spending their time. While 76% of business owners reported above average time management skills, 85% admit to working over 40 hours a week. Do...
How to be more Productive in your Business

How to be more Productive in your Business

In recent years, The Alternative Board (TAB) released a Small Business Pulse Survey, which focused on the time management and productivity challenges business owners have. We found that almost three-quarters of business owners either sometimes or always feel...
3 Signs You Need a Small Business Coach for Your Business

3 Signs You Need a Small Business Coach for Your Business

You’re living the dream that so many wish they could live: you own your own business. We don’t need to tell you that entrepreneurship is not always all it’s romanticised to be — owning your own business presents a unique set of challenges, to say the least....
You Can Do It All: How to Balance Your Family and Career

You Can Do It All: How to Balance Your Family and Career

When the business becomes the main focus, as it is for many business owners, a sense often develops that there will be time at some point in the future to take care of your family and personal life. This may not be true if specific goals and objectives aren’t defined,...
How to optimise a personal LinkedIn profile for business

How to optimise a personal LinkedIn profile for business

A LinkedIn profile novice A few years ago, I made the transition from a traditional marketing professional to an internet marketing professional. The first day after my promotion, I cockily strolled into my boss’s office, ready for some serious discussion about...
Opinion: Are the Glory Days of Innovation Behind Us?

Opinion: Are the Glory Days of Innovation Behind Us?

Some may agree we have reached a plateau of invention… or perhaps not. Robert Gordon published a piece recently in the Wall Street Journal titled Why Innovation Won’t Save Us. He argues that our prime innovations are behind us. The period from 1875 to...
Attract New Talent to Your Team in 2021

Attract New Talent to Your Team in 2021

Like all other facets of society, the business world has undergone seismic changes in the past year. However, one operational element—the recruitment and hiring of quality talent—remains unchanged. If anything, the competition to draw new applicants to open job...
Recruiting through Social Media: A Quick Informational Guide

Recruiting through Social Media: A Quick Informational Guide

Increasingly, businesses in search of talented job candidates are turning to social media as part of their overall recruitment strategy. “Social recruiting” seeks to leverage the power of various social media platforms to strengthen an employer brand, attract interest...
The Difference Between a Strategic Plan and a Business Plan

The Difference Between a Strategic Plan and a Business Plan

Every business needs a strategic plan. Every business needs a business plan. It’s knowing precisely what each plan entails and when that plan can be of most use that makes the difference between these two essential documents. Let’s start by defining the purpose behind...
Why is Strategic Planning Important for Your Business?

Why is Strategic Planning Important for Your Business?

“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” –  Lewis Carroll, as paraphrased by George Harrison The Cheshire Cat and our favourite Beatle didn’t necessarily have business owners in mind when they suggested that an ambiguous...
What is your excuse for not having a Strategic Plan?

What is your excuse for not having a Strategic Plan?

Excuses: we all have ’em…. Strategic planning is not just for large corporations! A strategic plan will help you focus your company’s activities on what matters most. TAB’s Strategic Business Leadership process was designed specifically with...
Do You Know How Successful You Are at Monitoring – Really?

Do You Know How Successful You Are at Monitoring – Really?

Project Management for Small Business XV The last topic to tackle in this project management series is assessing the success of a project. I introduced some previous topics by explaining that you probably think the task, such as issue management, is simple….but doing...
How to develop thought leadership inside an organisation

How to develop thought leadership inside an organisation

Who is your Harvey Nyquist? Have you ever heard of Harvey Nyquist? Not many people have. In fact, with all the buzz about Apple, Google, and the like, Bell Labs doesn’t even come to mind very often. Bell Labs is probably the single most influential organisation...
Closing Techniques that Help Build Sales

Closing Techniques that Help Build Sales

Salespeople all agree about the importance of “ABC” (Always Be Closing), but there’s considerable diversity of opinion on how to go about it. The best salespeople understand that working towards a close is part of a longer, more complicated process. Every step along...
Improving Your Accounts Receivables Process

Improving Your Accounts Receivables Process

Most businesses offer a solution to problems or otherwise fulfill a need experienced by their target audience. They can only go on doing this if—in exchange for delivering a valued good or service—they get paid for doing so. As part of overall business operations,...