Healthy Work-Life Balance Can Boost Employee Retention

In the hard-fought battle to recruit and retain high-quality employees, smaller businesses may sometimes feel at a disadvantage. But even if they lack all the HR resources of a larger company, it’s possible to compete when your efforts include an emphasis on finding the right work-life balance for your employees.

When you demonstrate through your company’s actions and policies that you value the well-being of your employees, savvy job-seekers will notice and pay special attention. After all, as FlexJob notes, many people “want to provide their labour for a company that truly cares for them as individuals.” Providing “reasonable hours and generous PTO policies are part of that equation.”

ROI for employers

What kinds of ROI can a business hope to gain by emphasising work-life balance? “Focusing on projects rather than work stresses makes employees more productive, efficient, and effective at networking,” notes Entrepreneur. Other benefits to employers include a potential decrease in sick leave, when workers can take time off and reinvigorate themselves; and a stronger sense of engagement, which can lead in turn to greater retention rates.

“It is common for employees to feel happier, healthier, and more fulfilled when they can balance work and life responsibilities,” Entrepreneur adds.


The value of flexibility

These days, more current and prospective employees than ever before are seeking businesses that offer flexible work arrangements. As we have noted before, employees “could want extra vacation time, flexible work hours, or the option to work from home.” In such cases, employers should “consider these requests and find a solution that works for both your employee and your business overall.”

When you achieve a viable flex-time solution, employees “can become very invested in alternative work arrangements that they may not be able to work out with another employer,” notes Robert Half.

This can be a huge advantage when it comes to recruiting and retaining your high-performing team members.


Pay attention to mental health

 Physical well-being is very important, of course, but so is an employee’s mental health. TAB Facilitator Phil Spensieri recommends that employers “ensure [their] culture is not contributing to a toxic work environment.”

Providing resources like mindfulness workshops and access to an on-site fitness centre are attractive options to offer, but “what’s most important is cultivating a culture of support where your employees don’t feel the need to burn themselves out.”


Recognise efficient work habits

 Employers who consistently drive their workers to do more and more in less time are courting trouble with future recruitment and retention efforts. Try focusing instead on the quality of work produced.

When you come upon an employee who works long hours (even after the end of the work-day), look at ways to avoid this situation and generate more efficient work habits. The emphasis here is on closely observing how employees get the job done.

Praising people’s actual outcomes also tunes you into any team members who are struggling,” notes Accelo. In this way, you can offer coaching, guidance, and training “before they have a chance to deliver sub-par work.”

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