One Simple Way To Generate RECORD SALES In 2023

There is a very simple, but rarely utilised method that, if implemented is guaranteed to have major positive impact on the sales and profit growth of any private business.


Before reading further, consider this question

Is your sales manager (or sales management function) effectively growing, leading, and directing a consistent, productive, high-performance sales team?  If so, congratulations!  You are part of an extremely small minority.

If not, I have good news, and bad news.

The bad news is that you are recurrently missing out on many tens (or hundreds) of thousands of profit every quarter, and things will likely worsen if you have migrated to more of a remote selling model.

The good news is that most of your competitors also lack effective sales management.  In other words, you are competing with pervasive mediocrity.

Many studies show that the vast majority of companies conduct “sales management” reactively (versus proactively).   For most SMB private companies, sales management is perceived as a necessary evil, or even worse, as an unnecessary pain-in-the-ass. Consequently, management of sales is often conducted more as an afterthought than as a vital embedded organisational habit. Group and individual sales meetings take place inconsistently, if at all.  Sales Management activities are conducted as a fly-by.  They only occur “when we have the time…” (aka:  rarely or never).

For decades, companies that do employ  effective sales management  have consistently outperformed their competitors, but during times of rapid change and economic turmoil, a solid sales management process will have an even greater effect.  A good SM process can help you quickly capture market share, grow your bottom line, and strengthen your company — a unique and tremendous opportunity.


Here are a few facts

Many private businesses do not have a dedicated manager of sales (or anyone who owns the sales management responsibility).

A huge percentage of private businesses do not manage sales at all.

In many instances the “sales management function” is conducted part-time (and quite poorly) by one of the company principals, who has little or no idea what they are doing.

The most Effective Sales Managers spend a minimum of 75% of their time coaching, developing, motivating, recruiting, and holding reps accountable.  These are the Critical Activities.

Most “sales managers” perform none of the Critical Activities.  Instead, they spend time reviewing accounts, generating reports, going on ride-alongs, and rescuing.

Less than 10% of salespeople have the skills and strengths to perform effectively working from home, including basic consultative-selling proficiencies.   This deficiency dramatically increases the importance of consistent coaching.

Remote sales teams require a much greater level of sales management engagement and direction to succeed.  Again, an increased level of proper coaching here is required.


Do any of these facts hit close to home?

If so, you know you can do much better, but may also feel like getting a handle on things can appear daunting or overwhelming.

Complete this short assessment for a detailed business diagnostic.



Not to worry — there is a massive silver lining and more good news.

  1. There are simple, time tested processes available to quickly upgrade your sales management effectiveness and team performance.
  2. Upgrading does not require a lot of time or money.  It simply requires using time differently (and more productively), making a few different commitments, and adopting a few new processes and habits.
  3. Today’s volatile economic and rapidly changing business environment has created a unique opportunity for you to capture massive market share and unrealised profit, for both the near and long term.
  4. Embedding an Effective Sales Management Process into the fabric of your organisation is the gift that keeps on giving.

Few, if any, companies will maintain status quo over the next 18 months.  There will only be winners and losers.   Effective Sales Management will be a major differentiator and vital component of companies that end up in the Winner’s Circle.