Forward Thinking: Developing The Art Of Time Management

Although many of you are fantastic managers of your employees and operations, the issue of good time management is almost always a part of every discussion I have with business owners. Good time management requires a focus on what’s most important to you and your business, helping you achieve a work-life balance that can ultimately have a positive impact on your success.

Are you managing your time in the best way possible to meet your business goals? Many business owners feel as though they just don’t have the time to manage their time… sound familiar? Here are a few takeaways I’d like to share in hopes that you might adopt one of them into your own best business practises.


Time management is an important part of your business’ success, as it aligns your values with the things that you want to accomplish. I recommend spending some time at the beginning of each day (approximately 15 minutes) to write down the most important things that you’d like to accomplish.

By writing it down, we are more likely to actually do that item, rather than keep the task at the back of our minds. A to-do list that brings focus to planning for the day (and possibly for the days ahead), helps you strive towards meeting your goals and helps with setting a target for what you want to accomplish. Many business owners who have a firm grasp of this not only meet their deadlines; they feel more empowered by their progress.

When you can’t elevate, delegate

As a business owner, it can be so easy to fall behind. This is why having employees who are capable and who you trust to take on any tasks that you may not have time to complete can be crucial. Because of this, delegating tasks to your employees can help you better manage your priorities, and ensure that important tasks get the attention they deserve.

Delegating tasks also gives you the opportunity to engage your employees’ strengths, facilitating better communication with them and getting a better understanding of their specific skill sets.

Your time is precious, but so is your well being

I’ve seen many business owners, just like you, suffer from “burnout.” This happens because although you may be placing value in the hours you are putting in, you’re not putting a value on your own needs. I highly recommend taking breaks whenever you need them, even if it’s just for a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee, walk the office floor to casually visit with your employees, or read the latest headlines in the Globe and Mail.

Some of the greatest minds of our time know how important it is to take a break during a busy day. Even Elon Musk, who has a packed schedule, makes sure that he takes some time every day to be with his family and do things that he enjoys. I encourage business owners to think of one thing that makes them happy and to treat themselves to that experience after accomplishing a pivotal task.

It’s always been my goal to help business owners find their best possible path towards success. When you master the art of time management, you may find that you not only achieve a lot more – you’ll feel more empowered and enthusiastic about the future.