Tips on Customer Retention Marketing

Tips on Customer Retention Marketing

All businesses strive to acquire as many new customers as possible, but is enough effort being made to retain customers already on board? Remember, there’s a significant distinction in costs between finding new customers, as opposed to holding onto the ones you...
How to get better at Consultative Selling for Your Business

How to get better at Consultative Selling for Your Business

Over the last year, I have interviewed over 100 salespeople on behalf of our clients.  I asked every one of them at the onset to describe their sales approach or methodology. In over 85% of cases, the candidate replied with some form of “I am...
3 Advices to Get to Know Better Your Target Audience

3 Advices to Get to Know Better Your Target Audience

Every business has a target audience—a specific grouping of individuals who will respond most enthusiastically to its marketing message. This grouping encompasses both existing and prospective customers who share certain fundamental traits and behaviours. In the...
Growth Explained: Ways to Expand Your Company’s Potential

Growth Explained: Ways to Expand Your Company’s Potential

One of the main reasons why many businesses fail is due to a lack of scaling. It’s not enough to just have a good idea and an excellent marketing strategy. To remain competitive, you need to find new and innovative ways to capture a bigger slice of your market...
How to Turn Negative Customer Feedback into an Advantage

How to Turn Negative Customer Feedback into an Advantage

In this digital world, it is perhaps more relevant today that business owners provide a prompt and “unemotionally charged” response to negative customer feedback. Customer feedback is important. It can help bring attention to areas of your business that you may not...
“Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast” – What Does it Mean?

“Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast” – What Does it Mean?

There is a famous Peter Drucker quote that says that “culture eats strategy for breakfast”. This implies that the culture of your company always determines success regardless of how effective your strategy may be. When he said that culture eats strategy...
Guide to Sales Organisation

Guide to Sales Organisation

Private companies that blow away their competition and generate consistent and repeatable sales over the long haul understand these principles and practices. This webinar will provide you: An overview of our proven sales process Guidelines for effectively hiring great...
The CEO and Sales Leadership: Get the Best Sales Results

The CEO and Sales Leadership: Get the Best Sales Results

A CEO or business owner wears many hats, from “chief inspiration officer” to overseeing complex operations and development of new growth strategies. Not least among his or her primary responsibilities, however, is ensuring that the team responsible for selling the...
High Performance Sales Culture

High Performance Sales Culture

Owners that choose to implement an effective, over-achieving sales culture consistently outperform their competitors and generate predictable, scalable high-profit sales growth. This may sound daunting. It’s not. It’s a choice. In this session, you will learn: How to...
How to Properly Motivate and Recognise Your Sales Team

How to Properly Motivate and Recognise Your Sales Team

Assembling a high-performing sales team is challenging enough, but that’s just the start of any focused sales effort. With quality salespeople in place, the next task is determining how best to motivate and recognise the hard work they do on your company’s behalf....
How to Create a Success-Oriented Sales Culture for your Company

How to Create a Success-Oriented Sales Culture for your Company

Success in sales remains an elusive goal for many companies, partly because the sales process can’t be configured or engineered in a way that guarantees to close a deal with every prospect. Too many variables are involved. However, building a success-oriented sales...
Sales Management

Sales Management

Does your sales effort produce consistent, repeatable, predictable results? If not, your company suffers from a sales management deficit. Time invested in sales management is the single most valuable investment you can make in your business. You will learn how to:...
Use Twitter for Prospecting: Awesome Tactics for Sales

Use Twitter for Prospecting: Awesome Tactics for Sales

There’s Gold in These Twitter Tactics for Sales For business-to-business connections, LinkedIn is your best channel.  But when your InMails are credited back with no new connections or messages to speak of, it’s time to try other avenues. Head back to that...
7 Ways to Market your Business for Next to Nothing

7 Ways to Market your Business for Next to Nothing

Marketing need not be a mystery or expensive. For many business owners who are tightening their belts and reducing expenses, marketing expenditures are often the first to get trimmed. The truth is, marketing should always be a constant, no matter the economic...
9 Ways to Keep Your Customers Longer

9 Ways to Keep Your Customers Longer

According to Invesp, it can cost five times more to acquire a new customer than to keep an existing one. Many businesses spend most of their marketing dollars on finding new customers instead of nurturing the ones they already have. It is like filling a bucket with a...
Stay Ahead: Strive For Organisational Adaptability

Stay Ahead: Strive For Organisational Adaptability

As we touched on in our last post, the fourth industrial revolution is upon us. As a leader in your organisation and your industry, it’s vital that you take an active role in guiding your company through the changes ahead. To stay ahead in rapidly changing times, you...
Understanding Your Leadership Style

Understanding Your Leadership Style

As a business advisor, I have the privilege of working with leaders across a wide range of industries. Every CEO has their own unique leadership style and often the most successful leaders employ a variety of styles to help motivate and get things done. Understanding...
Stay Ahead: Don’t Go Back To The Way It Was

Stay Ahead: Don’t Go Back To The Way It Was

To stay ahead, we can’t go back to the way things were. The steam engine, assembly lines and the invention of personal computing each revolutionised the way industry operates. Now, we’re approaching a fourth industrial revolution. Rapid, system-wide innovations are...
Embracing Innovation and Creativity in Business

Embracing Innovation and Creativity in Business

Recently I saw a sixth grader’s social studies project on the Mayan civilisation. The student made the entire project by hand – nothing was store-bought. It showed what life may have been like around 2600 BC. There were snowcapped mountains, replicas of the distinct...
Key Traits of a Great Office Culture

Key Traits of a Great Office Culture

Great office culture is critical for a thriving, scalable, and sustainable organisation. In my years of working with CEOs on shaping their office culture, I’ve identified a few key traits that are important across the board. Actually, these few items make for a really...
Use Customer Testimonials to Help Your Business Thrive

Use Customer Testimonials to Help Your Business Thrive

How often are you asked, “what do you do?” Probably all the time – at networking events, social outings/parties, possibly when working to acquire new customers, etc. For me, this is a hard question. Why? First, I am naturally shy and introverted (although almost...
Utilise Social Media to Increase Brand Awareness & Website Traffic

Utilise Social Media to Increase Brand Awareness & Website Traffic

Business leaders of any size company all benefit from practical business tips and advice from other business owners, CEOs, and leaders just like them. That is why TAB members and business coaches submit business tips to help create our Tips from the Top newsletter....
Bring Remote Workforce to Feel Part of Your Company’s Community

Bring Remote Workforce to Feel Part of Your Company’s Community

In recent years there’s been an explosion in the growth of remote workers in the business world. According to the job site Flexjobs, the use of remote employees has grown more than 40 percent in the past five years, and an astonishing 91 percent over the past 10...
Future of Work: How to Manage Your Mobile Workforce

Future of Work: How to Manage Your Mobile Workforce

The American workforce is changing the nature of “work” as we once knew it. The days when employees absolutely had to work at a desk, in an office, are long gone. While many businesses still insist on keeping their workforce on-site, more than 30 percent of Americans...
5 Actionable Tips on Engaging Your Remote Employees

5 Actionable Tips on Engaging Your Remote Employees

Chances are, you employ — or are considering employing — some of the growing numbers of talented men and women who opt to work remotely. Offsite workers comprise an increasingly large segment of the workforce, with as many as 63 million employees expected to work...
Business Best Practices: Are You the Boss of the Future?

Business Best Practices: Are You the Boss of the Future?

As a boss, you have the choice of how to lead your business. You can choose to stick to old processes or to create an environment of adaptability. Of course, the latter will see bigger returns, even if it requires a bigger investment. Everyday, our society welcomes...