How to Properly Motivate and Recognise Your Sales Team

How to Properly Motivate and Recognise Your Sales Team

Assembling a high-performing sales team is challenging enough, but that’s just the start of any focused sales effort. With quality salespeople in place, the next task is determining how best to motivate and recognise the hard work they do on your company’s behalf....
How To Tackle Skills Gaps In The Workplace

How To Tackle Skills Gaps In The Workplace

Finding the right candidates for your open positions is hard enough, given current labour conditions. The challenge becomes more pressing when you hire a talented individual, only to find out they lack some mission-critical skills needed for continued productivity....
Seven Smart Strategies To Maximise Your Network’s Potential

Seven Smart Strategies To Maximise Your Network’s Potential

Building and maintaining a professional network is essential for successful business ownership. Strong connections in areas such as development, innovation, and strategic partnerships can significantly enhance business opportunities. However, traditional methods of...
The Changing Patent Landscape – Protect Your Ideas

The Changing Patent Landscape – Protect Your Ideas

Protecting Your Ideas May Be Easier Today The decision of whether or not a small business owner should attempt to patent their invention or intellectual property is a difficult one. The pros include limiting the competition and potentially opening additional income...
How To Write A Good Business Plan

How To Write A Good Business Plan

Business plans are among the key documents deemed necessary in the early stages of a company or startup’s growth. However, the elements that go into crafting a strong business plan are worthy of a CEO or business owner’s consideration at any time in the growth...
Tips For Setting Effective KPIs

Tips For Setting Effective KPIs

There are many principles for running a strong, thriving business. Key among these guidelines is this: What can be measured should be measured. The data compiled for key business metrics can, as we have said before, “say a lot about what you’re doing...
A Quick Guide to Crafting an Effective Call-to-Action

A Quick Guide to Crafting an Effective Call-to-Action

With all the talk about content marketing and direct mail marketing that businesses must try to keep up with, one essential element sometimes gets lost in the mix. Improving click-through rates to your ads and website is great, but the best marketing and advertising...
Ways To Measure And Boost Employee Morale

Ways To Measure And Boost Employee Morale

Employee morale has a massive impact on the overall success of your business. When employees are happy, engaged and thriving they are more productive, less likely to call in sick and much less apt to quit their jobs. According to a recent Gallup poll, “highly engaged...
5 Effective Team Building Activities That Deliver Results

5 Effective Team Building Activities That Deliver Results

Team building plays a crucial role in shaping a positive and dynamic company culture. These activities are instrumental in fostering collaboration, strengthening connections, improving communication skills, and igniting creativity and innovation—qualities essential...
Wonderful Ways To Boost Employee Morale

Wonderful Ways To Boost Employee Morale

Employee morale has a massive impact on the overall success of your business. When employees are happy, engaged and thriving they are more productive, less likely to call in sick and much less apt to quit their jobs. According to a recent Gallup poll, “highly...
Change Your Culture to Boost Retention Within your Workplace

Change Your Culture to Boost Retention Within your Workplace

These days, employees leave one job and take another for a host of reasons. One reason that should never come up is a company’s toxic culture. In the hunt for talent, businesses can’t afford to lose valued workers because the work environment is dysfunctional,...
5 Tips On How To Improve Your Company’s Sales Process

5 Tips On How To Improve Your Company’s Sales Process

For just about every business, one principle is tantamount: every sale counts. A company’s sales process should be streamlined, well-structured, transparent, and efficient. When one or more of those elements is missing, a key sale may not close or attempts at repeat...
6 Sales Tips On Getting To “YES”

6 Sales Tips On Getting To “YES”

Getting to “Yes” is every salesperson’s ultimate goal. But so many variables are involved that the process can be cumbersome and aggravating—with no guarantee that the goal will actually be reached. If your sales team is experiencing difficulties achieving this...
5 Cybersecurity Myths You Need to Debunk

5 Cybersecurity Myths You Need to Debunk

After years of warnings about new types of cyberattacks, we might have become hardened to the real threat still lurking out there. Many small business owners and CEOs believe certain myths about cybersecurity, myths that, if left unchallenged, can damage a...
How to Treat Your Recruiting Process Like a Sales Process

How to Treat Your Recruiting Process Like a Sales Process

In the fevered competition to recruit and hire “A-player” job candidates, many recruiters and HR departments are turning to a different model to get the job done. Imposing the structure of a sales process offers a new way to look at recruitment in general, and how to...
19 Reasons Landing Page

19 Reasons Landing Page

Discover how a business advisory board can help you and your business grow and prosper Download 19 Reasons you need a Business Advisory Board Download FREE Today Name First Name Last Name Email* Phone Number Your Postcode* Your Title Company Name Yes, sign me up to...
6 Ways To Cut Costs And Save Money In Small Business

6 Ways To Cut Costs And Save Money In Small Business

While nobody has a crystal ball, a lot of signs are pointing toward an impending recession. Consumer spending is slowing. The employment market is volatile. Inflation, while ebbing, is still rearing its ugly head. But there is an important silver lining to remember...
A Guide to Setting Employee Goals

A Guide to Setting Employee Goals

In business, everyone should have job-related goals, from the front-line staff to those occupying the highest levels in the organisation. In all cases, the more specific the goals (as opposed to abstract objectives like “boosting sales”), the more effective the...
5 Tips On How To Improve Your Company’s Sales Process

5 Tips On How To Improve Your Company’s Sales Process

For just about every business, one principle is tantamount: every sale counts. A company’s sales process should be streamlined, well-structured, transparent, and efficient. When one or more of those elements is missing, a key sale may not close or attempts at repeat...
Should I Lease Or Buy Commercial Space?

Should I Lease Or Buy Commercial Space?

Due to the pandemic, it’s been a tough and long couple of years for many businesses. However, a growing number are bringing employees back into the office, hiring again, and thinking about office space opportunities. Specifically, I have been asked by several of...
Ideas to Create An Engaged Workforce & Efficient Team

Ideas to Create An Engaged Workforce & Efficient Team

I’ve been reading up on employee engagement and have come across some scary statistics about disengagement and lack of passion in the ranks. Here are a few ideas to help get your employees engaged: Give them side projects to do that are of interest to them and have...
What is a ‘Buyer Persona’ and How Can It Boost Your Sales?

What is a ‘Buyer Persona’ and How Can It Boost Your Sales?

These days, it’s virtually impossible to lump all customers together and try to market to them the same way. Thanks to e-commerce and other consumer-empowering changes in the marketplace, the audiences you aim to serve have moved from one large, undifferentiated mass...