Ideas to Create An Engaged Workforce & Efficient Team

I’ve been reading up on employee engagement and have come across some scary statistics about disengagement and lack of passion in the ranks. Here are a few ideas to help get your employees engaged:

  • Give them side projects to do that are of interest to them and have the potential to be valuable to the company. Let them know how important they are and let them go play.
  • Get your employees involved in some way, shape or form with your customers. Whether through sharing expertise with customers to define new products and features, attending customer appreciation events, or attending trade shows, try to provide access from employee to customer.
  • Cross-train your people. Learning each other’s functions help your employees gain new skills and appreciate everyone’s value to the organisation.
  • Encourage your employees to network. Let them learn more about your industry, gain additional skills, and meet other experts in the space. Add value to your employees which can result in increased productivity and expertise for your business’ success.
  • Employees today are generally speaking burned-out and unsatisfied. You can help change the feeling of your employees and get them more engaged in your business so that they have more fun and everyone benefits.