How to Manage Off Site Employees

Article by Lucy Philips

Some difficulty in cultivating a cohesive, positive work culture may arise for companies with travelling employees. Not being in the same office, let alone the same time zone can lead some employers to subconsciously neglect their employees abroad. To prevent travelling employees from feeling disconnected, it’s important to instil core values to ensure everyone feels supported.

A positive company culture is essential to a company’s success. At least that’s what 94% of executives and 88% of employees believe, according to a study conducted by Deloitte. The study also points to a positive correlation between employees who feel happy and appreciated at work and those who believe their company maintains a strong culture.

Emphasise Purpose

Travel is one of the largest company expenses. In fact, Aberdeen Associates estimates that eight to ten percent of total company expenses are allocated to business travel. Therefore, employees who travel are doing so with a profound purpose.

If your employees are travelling to close in on a new market, remind them how huge a win this could be for the company. Knowing that they are a key factor for developing this aspect of the business could be a great motivator for closing the deal. In turn, this will spike confidence and instil a sense of pride for one’s work.

However, not all employees are motivated by knowing how their work contributes solely to the organisation. Some find motivation by getting involved in inspiring community and volunteer efforts. For these employees, establishing a volunteer abroad program might better serve their purpose and would foster the positive culture you’re seeking to establish among a faraway team.

Encourage Self-Care

Some of the highest ranked companies among employees share a distinct characteristic – all encourage a health first approach to work. Travelling employees, especially, are not as able to separate their work from their personal lives. Getting accustomed to a new city, daily routes, and possibly even a new culture can impact performance.

Organisations with thriving company cultures ensure employees are taking care of themselves. Some ways to promote self-care can be through reimbursed gym memberships or fitness classes, flexible work schedules, or weekly check-ins with an on-site counsellor.

Appreciate With Incentives

Everyone deserves to have their hard work acknowledged. Being part of a company that shows appreciation for employee efforts makes one feel valued and respected and boosts employee satisfaction. The numbers prove this, too. 66% of employees say they would “likely leave their job if they didn’t feel appreciated” according to an article on Forbes.

Incentives are also a great way to increase engagement and improve company culture. Rewards like tickets to concerts or sporting events are perfect for travelling employees eager to experience something new in a foreign city. Other perks could include adventurous excursions, and cash bonuses are always well received.

A strong company culture doesn’t stop in the office. Employees who are constantly travelling or working abroad should also feel included in that culture. Emphasising a sense of purpose for the work being produced, encouraging self-care, and appreciating hard work are three simple core values that can be implemented to improve employee satisfaction; because when employees feel like they’re winning, they produce winning results.