In tough times, our businesses need every edge to stay afloat. A strong, positive company culture can be a game-changer, helping businesses ride out uncertainty and come out stronger.
What is company culture? It’s the shared values, attitudes, and practices that shape a workplace. A healthy culture boosts employee morale, loyalty, and overall success, while a poor culture leads to high turnover and a lack of fresh ideas.
Ditch the “command and control.”
Rather than a rigid top-down approach, our leaders are better off building trust by giving teams a bit more freedom and recognising their unique strengths.
Keep communication open.
When things are challenging, employees want to know what’s going on. Regular updates and team-building help keep everyone connected and informed.
Emphasise mission and values.
Through tough times, a clear purpose keeps people united. Remind your team why you’re here and the values that guide you.
Encourage accountability.
Good leaders own their decisions and set the tone for accountability across the team. Give employees the resources they need, then trust them to step up.
Listen to your team.
Encourage open discussions; frontline employees have firsthand insights that can guide smart decisions.
Protect against burnout.
Rather than pushing for max productivity, give your people flexibility and autonomy. It’s about balance, not burnout.
In the end, thriving through tough times comes down to a culture that keeps employees motivated and engaged. For more, see our “7 Ways to Create a Culture of Engagement in Your Business.”