A Quick Guide to Strategic Networking

Expanding a professional network is crucial for both job seekers and those aiming to grow their companies, such as CEOs and business owners. However, there’s a difference between general networking and strategic networking. Strategic networking allows you to learn about new business models, technological innovations, and marketing strategies that you can then integrate into your own business.

Other benefits of strategic networking include:

  • Potential growth and collaboration opportunities
  • Development of new sales leads
  • Fresh perspectives on one’s industry

According to LinkedIn, through strategic engagement with other business leaders, “CEOs can stay abreast of emerging developments, anticipate market shifts, and gain a competitive edge in their industry.”

Here are some tips on how to approach networking strategically:

Always have a clear objective

Are you looking for new customers, wanting to learn more about industry trends and opportunities, or simply aiming to expand your network for future contacts? Whatever your goal, ensure your networking efforts are tailored to align with your personal and professional objectives.

Bone up on your soft skills.

Networking often fails due to a lack of perceived engagement from participants. According to Ivy Exec, “you can only maintain a good network if you are approachable and relate well with others.” At your next networking event, ask those you meet about their business projects and concerns, provide constructive feedback, and be open to criticism rather than avoiding people who disagree with you.

Business leaders who excel at empathy and active listening are often the most successful networkers.

Try your hand at public speaking.

As a CEO or business owner, you are an expert in your field, and many people could benefit from hearing you at an industry-related event or trade show. Consider volunteering to speak to an audience of your peers. This not only helps you connect with others but also boosts brand awareness and can lead to additional speaking engagements in the future. Each public appearance will improve your speaking skills and enhance your impact on audiences.

Reach out to social media influencers.

With social media now integral to business operations and marketing, it’s wise to identify prominent influencers in your field. You can easily find these individuals on LinkedIn and other industry-specific social media platforms.

Once you know who they are, start to follow their posts, engage with their content, and share your own insights, advises AdvisoryCloud. Networking isn’t just about meeting as many people as possible; it’s about building meaningful relationships with the right people.

Always follow up.

Strategic networking won’t achieve much if you fail to follow up with new contacts made at industry events or through social media.

After meeting people who are valuable to your network, call or text them to suggest getting together informally. You can also connect with them on social media and occasionally add comments or friendly thoughts. Building relationships with these individuals will help broaden your network and likely lead to new contacts in the future.

Strategic networking takes time and effort, but the potential payoff—broadening your influence and learning from others—can significantly enhance your standing in the community.

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